How does the Yabble Virtual Audiences product work?
The Yabble Virtual Audiences tool is the ultimate end to end AI solution for research. Making insights in minutes a reality.
- Specify your topic of interest, then review, amend or approve the questions built on Yabble’s decades of research expertise.
- Build your personas and specify your desired audience using demographic and behavioural characteristics or simply approve Yabble's suggestion based on your topic.
- Using augmented data, Yabble’s Virtual Audiences tool provides instant answers to your questions using AI-generated data.
- Interrogate the data for further analysis in Yabble to explore the full power of AI for insights.
How do I access the Yabble Virtual Audiences product?
The Yabble Virtual Audiences product is currently available in all Yabble subscriptions and costs 2,500 credits.
What is augmented data for Virtual Audiences?
Augmented data uses the combined knowledge of Large Language Models (LLMs), relevant and recent trend data, social data, behavioral statistics and where appropriate, your own proprietary datasets to create a unique AI-generated audience to answer your research questions. This unique approach via the Yabble platform provides increased relevancy and recency of data above what a large language model alone can provide.
Can I ask any research question for any audience?
Yes, Yabble's augmented data tools have a very broad range of knowledge and should be reliable for most topics and markets. If you have a highly specialized topic and need a different research approach contact the Yabble team via
How much data can I create?
The number of topics you can research is unlimited. For each topic, there is a limit of 250 completed responses within the Virtual Audiences environment. This gives a good indication of what a market is thinking or feeling on any topic.
How do I conduct further research on my insights?
In the Yabble platform, you can:
- Run additional analysis on your data
- Ask your data questions
- Download and visualize your insights
Is data protected when I use the Yabble Virtual Audiences product?
Yabble operates a 'walled garden' approach to data security. When you use the Yabble platform you are covered by Yabble's security and privacy settings which include ensuring that your data does not pass to OpenAI to train their models.
How much will it cost to use the Yabble Virtual Audiences product?
Yabble's Virtual Audiences tool will be included in all annual subscriptions within the Yabble platform. You can see more information about our pricing options here.
Proprietary Data for Virtual Audiences FAQs
What are some examples of good ‘proprietary data’ that I can use with Virtual Audiences?
To get the most out of the proprietary data feature of Virtual Audiences, types of data best suited to the tool:
- Internal market research data or reports e.g. survey data, reports, interview transcripts etc
- CX Studies
- UX / Design Studies
- Support tickets
- Customer chat logs
- Internal knowledge base or FAQs.
- Product description or documentation
- Academic articles
- Market reports
- Etc i.e. Any type of text data not available publicly on the internet that can better inform your specific project.
Where possible, provide data in string format i.e. data labels rather than numeric codes.
Can I upload multiple files types at once?
Yes! You can upload up to 10 files (max file size 2MB each) to one Virtual Audiences project, and they do not need to be the same file type.
What types of files can I upload?
There are several different file types that the Yabble proprietary data feature accepts, including .PDF, .CSV, .TXT, .DOCX, and .XLSX (max file size 2MB each).
How long will it take my data to process?
Virtual Audiences projects can take as little as 15 minutes to complete from topic input to insights output – but this will vary based on the quantity and size of the proprietary data you upload to the project i.e. the more data you provide, the longer the process will take for the AI to read and process the data.
How much does my proprietary data come into play vs. synthetic data?
When creating the Knowledge Lake for your Virtual Audience the AI will read across all data provided.
The extent to which it ‘relies’ on your proprietary data to create its personas, synthetic respondents and answers will vary depending on your data volume, content, completeness and the relevance of your data to the questions you have have asked. As well as the recency of your data.
As all data is multi dimensional, some data is more valuable to the process then other pieces, and this is decided by the AI on a case by case basis depending on the research or business question you have asked. Also the ability for the data to be cross referenced / validated between sources.
Yabble will always create the Knowledge Lake using a combination of sources, but the utilization rate of each source will vary dynamically depending on the question being asked.
Yabble’s AI also has a recency bias inherent – so, as an example, if the proprietary data you upload is from 3 years ago, the AI may find more recent information from our other sources.
If you have any specific questions about Virtual Audiences and how this works with your own data to provide insights, contact the team at
How relevant does the topic need to be to the proprietary data? What happens if the data is irrelevant?
Yabble’s AI will read across all data provided. It is assumed that you will provide data that is related to the topic, however, if there is some unrelated data, the AI will be able to ‘clean and ignore' this data to an extent.
As the product is in beta, edge cases where data is entirely unrelated may provide poor results.
If you have any specific questions about Virtual Audiences and how this works with your own data to provide insights, contact the team at
Can I do a Virtual Audiences project entirely run on proprietary data?
No, not at this stage.
Can I customize the weight I give my proprietary data vs. other sources that are used?
No, not at this stage.
What if I don't have any demographic data for my proprietary data?
If your data doesn’t include any demographic data, the Yabble AI will recommend and generate target demographics, based on data it has gathered from other sources. This can always be regenerated later by you before you complete the project, if you would like to.
Note: The proprietary data will still be used to form the persona’s personality characteristics and behavior even if demographics are absent.
If I put my target audience as ages 18 – 45 but my data includes ages 18 – 65, will it disregard the irrelevant data?
There will be demographic-specific insights and general insights in the proprietary data. Insights specifically relevant to the non-target audiences might be disregarded when generating insights. But, all the relevant information will still be used.
Can I re-use personas and/or go back to the same project and ask more questions?
No, not at this stage.
How does it deal with images that might be in proprietary data? i.e. if you're importing a PDF that is a report of some kind, can that be imported?
At this stage, the AI cannot process images. It can pull some context from text in tables, but it’s not seamless. At this stage, text data is best for all data qualitative or quantitative i.e. labelled data rather than numeric codes.
Can I link my Yabble-collected data to a Virtual Audience project?
No, not at this stage. You can however download the data from the platform, then upload it in the VA process.
Can I access my proprietary data for theme counting, summarisation or to chat with Gen?
No, that would need to be uploaded separately via the normal ingestion process in Yabble.
Can I ask my personas about specific proprietary data that I've uploaded?
Currently, the proprietary data is used as a layer in Knowledge Lake and blended with other data Yabble collects. At this stage you will not be able to ask the AI-generated personas about specific data you have uploaded.
How does it look at close-ended data? e.g. survey data that talks about awareness of certain programs, customer satisfaction, etc.?
Currently Yabble can read closed ended data that is in string format i.e. data labels rather than numeric. It will look at the question for context i.e. The question must be clear for the model to understand the context of ‘Very satisfied’ for example.
If you have any specific questions about Virtual Audiences and how this works with your own data to provide insights, contact the team at
What is Count, and why is it useful?
Yabble's automated AI solutions take the heavy lifting our of data coding. Just link or upload your data, and let our automated AI solutions do the rest. Using a combination of cutting-edge and proprietary algorithms and technology, it takes any unstructured text data and analyzes it for themes, sub-themes, and sentiment.
The insights Count provides enable you to immediately identify the key things you can do to drive business growth. They also highlight opportunities for queries, guiding you to areas you can mine for even deeper insights.
Count helps you pinpoint places for improvement, allows you to optimize your customer and brand experiences, and validates business strategy and decisions.
What kinds of data can you run in Yabble Count?
Count is capable of analyzing data from nearly any source, including survey responses, product reviews, and unnested comments from social media. Future releases will include more advanced social media data and call center data.
What can theme counts tell me about my unstructured text dataset?
Theme and sub-theme counts allow you to unlock immense value from your text data. They enable you to see the most talked-about subjects within a particular dataset and can tell you instantly where the biggest drivers and inhibitors of your business lie.
What are themes and sub-themes?
Themes are one- to two-word subjects that highlight the main areas of response within your dataset. These are high-level buckets such as management, customer service, online shopping, and shipping.
Sub-themes add layers of rich detail to your themes. For each theme that Yabble Count generates from your dataset, you’ll see all the sub-themes that sit underneath it, be they positive, neutral, or negative. For example:
Theme: Parking
Sub-themes: Spacious parking spots, Good location, Expensive parking, Too busy/not enough availability
Sub-themes are one of the true goldmines of Hey Yabble and allow you to:
- Pinpoint the precise areas where you can improve to drive business growth.
- Understand customers’ pain points and solve their problems.
- Make data-driven decisions.
What are sentiment and sentiment scores?
Sentiment gives you an indication of how people feel about a particular subject. Yabble provides in-depth sentiment analysis, displaying it in the form of a sentiment score that gives you an immediate numerical snapshot of the positive, negative, and neutral feelings around a particular subject. The sentiment score on themes ranges from -100 to 100.
Yabble generates two types of sentiment:
- Overall sentiment. This indicates the sentiment breakdown within your entire dataset. It’s displayed as a donut chart at the top of your dashboard, separated into easily understandable, color-coded sections. Positive is green, neutral is orange, and negative is red.
- Theme and sub-theme sentiment. Count calculates sentiment for each individual theme and sub-theme, displaying sub-theme sentiment in the form of an emoticon. Positive is green, neutral is orange, and negative is red. (For instance: you would see a red emoticon next to the Parking > Small spaces sub-theme.) If you hover over the emoticon, you’ll see a detailed count and percentage breakdown of the positive, neutral, and negative buckets.
How does the filter functionality work?
The filter functionality allows you to filter by different variables and to hone in on certain segments of your results. You can filter by:
- Anything you upload (these data parameters come through as custom variables)
- Response date
- Comment sentiment
- Themes
- Sub-themes
- Theme sentiment
- Demographics (pulled through from your data)
- Questions (pulled through from your data)
What can I see on my Explore page?
Your Explore page displays a clear, concise visualization of the analysis Yabble has performed on your dataset.
Your overall sentiment score sits at the top, next to a box displaying correlation between themes and sentiment. Click on the Gen icon in the top right corner to run a Gen chat straight from your counting results.
Below your sentiment score, you’ll see two tabs marked Themes and Sub-themes. You’ll also see the Comments/Filters sidebar to the right.
The Themes tab displays the top-level themes from your dataset, alongside percentage and sentiment scores for each. Percentage indicates the frequency with which that theme arose during analysis.
If you click the arrow (>) next to a theme, your sub-themes will populate underneath, alongside their own percentage counts and sentiment (displayed as emoticons).
The Sub-themes tab displays all your sub-themes in one list. They’re ordered from highest to lowest count, irrespective of their parent themes — but you can see the corresponding theme listed next to each in parentheses (i.e. Spacious parking spots (Parking)). Note: the order of sub-themes in the overall Sub-themes tab may differ from the order of sub-themes under each parent theme.
Hovering over the emoticon next to a sub-theme will generate that sub-theme’s individual sentiment score (counts and percentages for positive, neutral, and negative).
Can I export my data?
Definitely! The current release of Count allows for simple data export via an easily shareable CSV and SPSS format. Later product releases will include more export formats.
How does pricing work?
Count uses Yabble credits as currency. One comment = one credit. So for instance: if you run Count on 500 comments, you’ll spend 500 credits.
Talk to one of the Yabble team to find out more.
Can I upload a custom code frame?
No need. The Yabble AI uses its smarts to create custom code frames based on the data set. Ensuring things like emerging trends are not missed. Users can move, merge or edit anything after analysis if desired.
Can I edit my data?
Yes, Count is fully flexible, with options to move or merge themes, sub themes or individual comments. You can also relabel data, so if for example the AI uses Staff but you prefer Employee simply make the change.
What is Hey Yabble Summarize and why is it useful?
Summarize is designed specifically for analyzing in-depth interviews. Saving up to 80% of analysis time by synthesizing results into key challenges, opportunities, actions and conclusions.
Can Summarize do an overall summary of all interviews?
Yes, once all interviews have been analyzed, an Executive Summary will provide all of the key areas of focus for the researcher to begin focusing on in their reporting.
What type of data can you Summarize?
Yabble Summarize is great for in-depth interviews, podcasts, media articles, meeting notes, speeches or focus group transcripts.
I've been waiting for my Summarize output for a while now...what do I do?
Summarize is designed to work best if you upload one interview per file, and it usually only takes up to 10 minutes to process if there are only a couple of files uploaded. If you upload lots of large files with multiple transcripts per file, this can slow down the process and sometimes can cause the analysis to fail.
If you are still waiting for your Summarize output after a few hours, please contact our team at
Can I upload video or voice files?
Yabble Summarize can process these files for you, just connect in with your customer service team member and we will organize to have these transcribed and loaded for you.
I received an error message when uploading to Summarize – what do I do?
Possible error message: “You do not have permission to perform this action”. If you see this error message when trying to upload a .docx file, please convert your file into a .txt file and start the upload again.
If your upload fails and you get an error message, double-check the below:
- Any tables and pictures have been removed.
- Double-check the format you are uploading. If you uploaded a .docx and followed all the above steps and still get an error message, convert your file to a .txt file.
Do I need to clean my file before uploading?
Upload your transcript in its raw format. You will need to clean out any images and tables and ensure your document is in the correct format. Otherwise, no additional cleaning is required.
Audiences FAQ
What is MyPanel?
MyPanel is Yabble’s customer-community software product. Brands build their own exclusive communities for research, enabling agile and iterative feedback with customers.
MyPanel communities have fully customized branding and permissions, and there are no limits on the number of participants or projects.
How do I find out more about MyPanel?
Book a demo with our Customer Success team! They'll take you through a personalized demo, explain pricing, and answer all your questions.
Which countries can I find audiences in?
Yabble reaches more than 60 million consumers in 45 countries around the world. Use the easy order wizard to set who you want to talk to, and instantly receive pricing.
Can I reach business or niche audiences?
Absolutely! Yabble can reach many different business and niche audiences, but please note that they often take longer to reach and can cost more because of their specialist natures.
Use the easy order wizard to set who you'd like to talk to, and instantly receive pricing. For highly specialized audiences, talk to a member of our Customer Success team.
How much data can I upload via CSV?
There are no limits to the data you can upload, but please note that larger files will take longer to process.
You must also ensure that you're the owner of the data and that you have all the necessary permissions to use it for research purposes.
Billing FAQ
Are there any set-up fees?
There's no set-up required to get started on the Pro, Pro+, and Business plans. If you want to purchase a bespoke Enterprise plan or the MyPanel add-on, you may incur costs for custom set-ups. For more information, please reach out via in-app chat, or email us at — and we'll get you sorted right away!
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards and process them through our Stripe integration. (For specific information on which cards are accepted, please visit Stripe's website.)
We also allow monthly invoicing pending internal approval by the Yabble team.
So I can pay by credit card?
Yep! If you’ve loaded a credit card into your profile, you can easily make purchases for products like Hey Yabble credits and marketplace samples. To input your credit card details, head to the Settings > Plan and billing section of your account.
When will my billing start once I sign up?
Billing starts on the date that you subscribe and gain access to the Yabble platform. After that, your monthly subscription will be billed on that same day each month. Credit cards will be charged on your monthly anniversary date, and invoices are payable by the date set out in your agreed terms.
When will my credit card be charged if I sign up to the 7-day free trial on the Pro plan?
You'll receive your first invoice at seven days. You can make additional one-off purchases (such as Hey Yabble credits) throughout the trial period; these will be auto-debited from your card rather than added to your end-of-trial invoice.
Can I set up monthly invoicing instead of signing up with a credit card?
If you're signing up for Pro, Pro+, or Business, you'll need to input your credit card information during onboarding. Once you've subscribed, you can apply to change to monthly invoicing from the Billing page in your account. Monthly invoicing requires internal approval by the Yabble team.
Switching from credit card to invoicing will end your free trial — so if you prefer the invoicing option, we recommend waiting until your trial has ended to make the switch.
If you're signing up for a custom Enterprise plan, your customer success manager can set you up on monthly invoicing during the onboarding process.
Can I pay yearly instead of monthly?
Absolutely! Message the Yabble team via the Help Center or email us on, and we’ll make it happen for you.
Subscription plans FAQ
What plans does Yabble offer?
We offer four plans designed to help our customers get the most value from Yabble. They’re called Pro, Pro+, Business, and Enterprise. Pro, Pro+, and Business are billed at set costs and include set features and functionalities.
Enterprise is a custom plan for businesses with complex insights requirements. These plans are priced according to need.
I need help figuring out which plan subscription I should be on. What should I do?
No problem! Contact us on or book a demo with one of our sales team, and we'll get you on the perfect plan for your insights needs.
Can I change my plan during my billing cycle?
Of course! You can change your plan at any time in your account settings.
Upgrades will be prorated. If you downgrade, you'll retain the features and functionalities of your current plan until the end of your billing cycle, at which point the downgrade will take effect.
Can I add more user licenses to my subscription?
If you're on the Pro or Pro+ plan, you'll need to upgrade to Business if you want to add additional user licenses. If you're on Business or Enterprise, you can purchase additional users through the Users page in your account.
What happens to my current users if I downgrade my plan during the billing cycle?
Before you can downgrade, you must remove users from your current plan until you reach the user limit for the lower tier (e.g. if you're downgrading to Pro from Pro+, you must remove users until you have only one in your account).
Any user you remove will immediately lose access to the platform, so we recommend waiting until the end of your current billing cycle to remove users and complete the downgrade process.
Onboarding + customer support FAQ
How do I get started with Yabble?
It's easy! Just select your plan, complete the sign-up process, and start exploring the platform. You'll get immediate access to everything included in your subscription.
What's included in my free 7-day trial on the Pro plan?
Your Pro trial includes all the features and functionalities of the full Pro plan. You'll get 100 complimentary Hey Yabble credits you can use to explore our tools and generate insights.
What if I need extra onboarding or monthly customer support hours?
No problem! You can purchase additional customer support hours over and above what's included in your plan. Just let us know how many hours you need, and we'll get in touch with you and take care of the rest.
What is Gen?
Gen is an AI Research Agent that allows you to have a conversation with your own structured and unstructured data in a chat format – all within Yabble’s secure, walled garden data environment. Gen uses natural language and SQL tools allowing you to ask your data all types of questions with Gen able to answer your question instantly and conversationally. Gen allows you to ask questions on your own proprietary dataset – whatever topic that might be. Once your dataset is uploaded into the Yabble platform you can prompt Gen to query your dataset and provide high-level insights, generate tables, filter by custom variables, or dive deeper to explore your data holistically – all with data security peace of mind.
How do I use Gen?
Simply type a question related to your own dataset, and Gen will do all the work for you.
You can specify which particular part of your project your question relates to, or for more general questions, ask them across ‘All Questions’.
Can Gen talk to long and short-form data?
Yes, Gen can chat with any type of qualitative and quantitative data you have in the Yabble platform, including raw transcripts, open-ends, quantitative studies, and more.
Can Gen talk to Yabble theme-counted data?
While Gen can chat with data you upload through our Count tool, it has not been built to chat directly with the themes, sub-themes and sentiment generated by Count. Gen can identify themes from this data using the tools in its toolbox and via your natural language querying, but results may differ from the output from Yabble Count.How do I get the most out of Gen?
As Gen is an agent utilizing natural language processing, it will understand what you are trying to achieve even if you do make the odd spelling mistake. However, Gen will not like characters such as ‘[' or '>' as these are not generally used in conversational text.
Being specific always helps. Rather than asking ‘What are the main complaints people had?’, ask something like ‘What are the main comments people made with respect to pricing?’. By saying the word ‘pricing’ in the question, Gen is able to apply a hybrid search that picks up the word pricing, and everything related, allowing for a better response.
How to structure your question to Gen?
As an example, I want to know what’s really driving people's opinion about the prices at Walmart.
- OK: Why?
- Good: Why did people say that?
- Better: Why did people say that about pricing?
- Best: Why did people have those concerns about pricing at Walmart?
Gen has its own context builder and should be able to handle most questions it receives. However, it is helpful to be as specific as possible.
Can Gen give me quotes?
Gen isn't specifically designed to extract verbatim quotes from transcripts, but it can provide varied responses when asked for examples of what respondents have said on a topic. The responses are randomized, meaning you may receive different quotes each time you ask.
Try phrasing your question like:
- "Can you give me a direct quote about X topic?"
- "Can you provide some examples of what respondents have said about Y topic?"
Gen will aim to surface relevant responses, but the exact quotes may differ with each query. If you're looking for a broader selection, you can refine your request or ask multiple times.
Can I ask Gen about specific transcripts in my dataset?
You can ask Gen about specific transcripts, but results may vary. It does not retrieve all responses at once, and the selection of quotes is randomized.
To improve accuracy, try referencing details such as the respondent's name (if available) or the file name. For example:
- "Can you tell me what [respondent name] said about [topic]?"
- "What are respondents saying about [Y topic] in the file 'interview.3'?"
Gen will attempt to surface relevant responses based on the dataset, but results may differ each time you ask.
Can Gen give me accurate percentages or numbers?
Yes! While Gen started as a language model, we have now enabled an SQL querying process in Gen, allowing for you to get quantitative insights from your structured data conversationally. You can ask Gen for percentages and totals, as well as to present these in tables, and provide summaries.
Note: This feature works on structured variables only, not unstructured question responses.
Why doesn’t Gen give me the exact same answer for the exact same question?
Asking Gen an identical/similar question in the same chat will often give different responses due to the way Large Language Models work. Often the subsequent responses can add more detail, as Gen will not want to repeat itself. However, the insight that is extracted should remain consistent.
Do I have to give complete context to each question I ask?
The more detail you give, the more information Gen has to work with. However, you can simply ask a question like ‘Why?’ and Gen will go and find context from your previous conversation.
Why doesn’t Gen use all of my survey responses (or ‘comments’) every time?
Gen will find responses related to your question in order to give an insightful answer. It may not need your entire dataset to give an answer like ‘most people preferred…’
Further, survey data can contain irrelevant answers. Gen will filter these answers out or ignore them in its response generation.
What languages does Gen like?
For now, Gen is designed to analyze data in English. However, as Large Language Models are improving their multi-lingual capabilities, we have found that Gen will respond in other languages if prompted. Please watch this space while Gen becomes multi-lingual!
Yabble ChatGPT Plugin FAQ
How does the Yabble ChatGPT Plugin work?
The Yabble ChatGPT Plugin is the ultimate end to end AI solution for research. Making insights in minutes a reality.
- Specify your topic of interest, then review, amend or approve the questions built on Yabble’s decades of research expertise.
- Specify your desired audience using demographic and behavioural characteristics or simply approve Yabble's suggestion based on your topic.
- Using augmented data, Yabble’s ChatGPT plugin provides instant answers to your questions.
- To run a larger study, add additional data sources or download the data for further analysis use the link provided and sign up to a 30 day free trial in Yabble to explore the full power of AI for insights.
How do I access the Yabble ChatPGPT plugin?
Sign up to ChatGPT’s Plus service then select the Yabble plugin from the plugin store. Discover more here
What is augmented data?
Augmented data uses the combined knowledge of ChatGPT, social media and global trend data to create a unique AI-generated audience to answer your research questions. This unique approach via the Yabble plugin provides increased relevancy and recency of data above what ChatGPT alone can provide.
Can I ask any research question for any audience?
Yes, the Yabble ChatGPT plugin has a very broad range of knowledge and should be reliable for most topics and markets. If you have a highly specialized topic and need a different research approach contact the Yabble team via
How much data can I create?
The number of topics you can research is unlimited. For each topic, there is a limit of 50 completed responses within the ChatGPT plugin environment. This gives a good indication of what a market is thinking or feeling on any topic. This size limit ensures the product works quickly in the plugin environment. If you want to add more data for additional insights, sign up to Yabble’s 30 day free trial.
How to I conduct further research on my insights?
At the end of each project using the plugin you will be provided with a link to the Yabble platform. This link identifies your project in the Yabble platform and enables you to:
- Run additional analysis on your data
- Collect additional data to enhance your project
- Download your insights
Is data protected when I use the Yabble ChatGPT plugin?
When using the plugin in the ChatGPT store you are subject to the terms and conditions of use for your own OpenAI account. We encourage you to check your data sharing and privacy settings.
When you transfer to the Yabble platform you are covered by Yabble's security and privacy settings which include ensuring that your data does not pass to OpenAI to train their models.
How much does it cost to use the Yabble ChatGPT plugin?
The Yabble ChatGPT plugin is free to use. It generates up to 6 research questions and populates 50 completed responses with an insight summary provided.
If you would like to conduct a larger study, run additional analysis or download the data sign up to our 30 day free trial in Yabble to explore the full power of AI for insights. If you are an existing Yabble user, click the Yabble link in ChatGPT and login using your existing credentials to see your data.